Indian Education Society
My school had many names. One of them was Indian Education Society's English Medium School, Hindu Colony. The other names by which it was popularly and incorrectly called were Raja Shivaji Vidyalaya , which was actually the name of the Marathi medium of my school and King George which was the pre-independence period name. In my association with the school for thirteen years from 1984 to 1997, I have many tales to tell. In this blog, I will attempt mainly to cater to, though everyone is welcome to come and have a peep. If you are a member of 97IES@yahoogroups and want to contribute a story or an incident, you can send it to me.
For those of you who have not heard about IES, it is a huge institution having more than 50 schools in and around Bombay. It has also an architectural college under its umbrella. My school is a big school. Around 10000 students were cramped(and we enjoyed that) in our campus alone. The campus had English, Marathi and Gujurati schools in addtion to school for slow learners. My school had ten divisions for each standard and there were atleast 70 students in each division. So there were about 700 students in one standard and you multiply that by 13 and you know the size of my school.
For those of you who have not heard about IES, it is a huge institution having more than 50 schools in and around Bombay. It has also an architectural college under its umbrella. My school is a big school. Around 10000 students were cramped(and we enjoyed that) in our campus alone. The campus had English, Marathi and Gujurati schools in addtion to school for slow learners. My school had ten divisions for each standard and there were atleast 70 students in each division. So there were about 700 students in one standard and you multiply that by 13 and you know the size of my school.