Saturday, September 17, 2005

Cricket pendant la classe francaise

Ms. Rasna Daruwala was our French teacher from the eighth to tenth standard. She was a good teacher compared to most other teachers in our school. But then, the thrill of bunking lectures or was it the thrill of playing cricket, was so much that about ten of us bunked her class. The only person out of the ten that I can remember is Mukul. Mukul and I can write about so many incidents that it can give a tough competition for Chetan Bhagat's on@tcc that is coming out on stands in October. When she was busy teaching French, we were busy playing cricket in the adjoining classroom. The note-book substituted the bat and some craft work with the handkerchief turned it into a ball. The bowler bowled from one of the aisle formed between the column of benches with the batsman at the other end near the black board. Other fielders were placed at many positions, most of them in the benches. We were having fun - happy that we had fooled Daruwala. Just then, Ms Verma, who taught us Science -II( Bio and Chem) happened to peep inside the class. And that was it. We all hid under the benches, not knowing what to do even though we were absolutely sure that Verma knew we were hiding. She asked us to come out of hiding, which we sheepishly did. The next thing she did was she took us to Daruwala and also the supervisor(head of teachers, but not the principal) Ms. Joshi. I do not remember what punishment was meted out, but it was minimal. All I remember is that our names were noted on some diary. May be we were asked to stay out of the class for that lecture(not sure)- but that was something that we enjoyed.


Blogger Neel Arurkar said...

Damn! You spammer

Friday, September 23, 2005 1:46:00 PM  
Blogger Neel Arurkar said...

Goldilocks! Hi Buddy. It is always nice to meet someone from your school. Were you in the 'A' or 'B' division? I had many friends in 'B' and a few in 'A' in your batch! Keep coming!

Thursday, September 29, 2005 4:35:00 PM  
Blogger Art said...

wow!!! nice one!!! it would be so much fun if we could get updates of ur schooling more often...

Hey after this incident did u ever play cricket like this again... :)

Y not use word verification for the blog!!!

Sunday, October 02, 2005 12:29:00 PM  
Blogger Neel Arurkar said...

Art : Sure. I will have more updates. Do check the scrolling text for updates :-)
Thought about word verification. That would be of some inconvenience to genuine comment posters like you. But still, thinking of deleting these spam commens from now on.

Monday, October 03, 2005 4:21:00 PM  

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